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Hey there! Nice to meet you!

Welcome to my blog! I’m Pinyu, and I’m a Computational Biology student at Stanford University who aspires to work in global health one day. On my blog, I hope to share my journey throughout college and explore the world of science, so be sure to look out for posts about school tips and advice, science news, and more!

Featured on the Blog…

Child with cancer

An Introduction to Immunotherapy in Cancer

Each year, more than 8.2 million people die of cancer worldwide, and it is estimated that around 38.4% of people will be diagnosed with cancer…


Why GMO Mosquitoes Were Spread to Stop Disease in Florida

Headlines worldwide flashed the news of 750 million genetically engineered mosquitoes that are scheduled to be released in Florida Keys. Yet, this raises concerns over…

Person having an online meeting

What My First Day of Online High School Was Like

It’s finally here, the first day of school, but this time, online school! Some places around the world have started in-person school with precautions, but…

Pipetting in a Laboratory

17 Best Biotech Jobs in All Career Fields!

While many people may think of biotechnology as a career in healthcare, students in biotechnology have the opportunity to pursue many different fields that are…

Students doing chemistry experiment

How the Biohacking Movement is Making Science Open

Many people think of biotechnology as something that only PhDs in laboratory coats can do, but throughout cities around the world, DIY Biolabs are popping…