Hey there! Nice to meet you!
Welcome to my blog! I’m Pinyu, and I’m a Computational Biology student at Stanford University who aspires to work in global health one day. On my blog, I hope to share my journey throughout college and explore the world of science, so be sure to look out for posts about school tips and advice, science news, and more!
Featured on the Blog…
What I Learned From Failing at Stanford
I used to get asked this question a lot. “Tell me an example of how you deal with failure.” Common interview question. I always gave…
US vs. UK Universities Compared, By a Student!
Hello from the UK! I am currently at the University of Cambridge, pretending to be a Cambridge local, sniffing at all the tourists, as if…
Tips to Choose the Right Undergraduate Research Lab
Okay, okay, I’m sorry, it’s those back-to-school posts again! As the start of school is approaching, I’ve gotten tons of questions about how to actually…
What is Click Chemistry? From the Bertozzi Lab
It has been a while, but I promise I haven’t forgotten about the blog! College is an incredibly hectic time – there’s constantly problem sets…
Should I Choose the IB or AP Curriculum?
I remember making this dilemma several years ago when I was choosing which high school I wanted to attend. After all, the choice of what…