hey there, welcome to my blog!
Hi! I’m so glad to see you here! I’m Pinyu, and I’m a college student studying Computational Biology at Stanford University. I hope to become a global health investor in the future, which is someone who invests in companies that aid in global health and global development.

What? That sounds oddly specific… Okay fine, my blog first started with my dreams of becoming a biomedical scientist. When I was a kid, I used to pretend I was a puppy princess who was also a doctor. While I’ve outgrown my puppy princess phase, medicine is still something that I’m extremely passionate about. To me, medicine is like a puzzle, and I enjoy solving the pieces of the puzzle to figure out a diagnosis, and of course, being able to say “I told you so!” to my mom after the doctor confirms my diagnosis is an added bonus. However, throughout my time at Stanford, I began learning more about the most effective avenues to make a change. Because of this, I realized the impact the funding had on making decisions in biomedical innovations. Regardless of what I did as a researcher, what the public has access to is dependent on the business aspect that carries it out. In the future, I want to be in the forefront of developing novel drugs and treatments, since I believe that curing diseases and saving people’s lives through science is one of the greatest ways to change the world.
With all the intricacies of growing up, I started this blog to document my journey as I pursue my dream of working in biotech. I had never seen a blog like this before, and as I grew up navigating this system on my own without friends and family who could guide me, I wanted to help other students interested in this field. On my blog, I hope to help others by providing tips and advice that I’ve learned throughout my journey as both a student and an aspiring global health investor. Yet, life can be crazy, so who knows where I might end up!
When I’m not busy doing homework and reading scientific papers about bacteria, I love to hike and spend time with my family. I also love reading and watching movies, especially rom-coms, and despite frequently getting frustrated with the characters, I still watch them anyway. Speaking of films and movies, my current obsession is “The Queen’s Gambit” on Netflix. In addition, I love drawing and digital art, although my Photoshop projects have been known to be a bit… eccentric. Some of the projects I’ve created include making a news article of Rhee Syngman caught fangirling at a Blackpink concert, a fake ID for William Clark the explorer, and a news article about Kim Kardashian taking over the North Korean Kim regime, all to prank my friends with.
On this blog, I hope to share my journey and some tips along the way and also posting about topics in biology to help others gain a deeper understanding in the field, while exploring new discoveries in biotechnology and bioethics. Anyway, I would love for you to join me on this journey, so buckle up your seat belt, and enjoy the ride as we explore the world of science together. Thank you so much for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy my blog!
love, pinyu
frequently asked questions (faq)
Q: Why did you start this blog?
One of the first words I would use to describe myself would be “independent,” because as a first person in my family to grow up in America, I didn’t have anyone to help guide me to reach my goals. While I’m grateful for all I’ve accomplished by myself, navigating through the world of school and STEM careers on my own was a struggle. So, I wanted to share my experiences with other students to help them learn from my mistakes, while also documenting my journey throughout high school and beyond. I had rarely seen any blogs like this before, so I thought that I would be able to put forth my unique perspective and share my passions and stories with the internet!
Q: What do you do outside of blogging?
I’m a college student at Stanford University! I currently study Computational Biology, so I love doing research and working on antibiotic resistance. Outside of science, I love baking, reading, hiking, exploring cities, and I’m also a huge history nerd as well. I started this blog in my high school years, so you can actually find some of my posts from before college on the blog. In high school, I was a very involved research kid – you might know me from the MIT Research Science Institute (RSI), International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), or the Regeneron Science Talent Search (STS), which I’ve blogged about on this website!
Q: Why do you want to be a biomedical scientist?
I know, it’s an oddly specific choice of career! I think I’ve always known that I wanted to pursue a career in biology, since diseases were always what interested me the most. In fact, I remember a time when a classmate threw up in class in elementary school and I eagerly asked him the next day, “Ooooh what illness did you get?” “Uhh…. The flu….” Yeah, didn’t make me super popular. But as I got older, I began exploring deeper into the field of biotechnology, and I realized that I really, really do love learning about all the cool things we can accomplish with sceince and I wanted to be a part of that, so I decided to start a blog specifically to explore and share these amazing, new discoveries in biomedical science!
Q: Where can I find you on social media?
You can follow me on Instagram at @lavenderandlabcoats, where I post updates about my life and reminders about new posts 🙂